Have you noticed how your space instantly feels cozier and more inviting when you light a candle? There’s something magical about the soft glow and warmth that candles provide.
But did you know you can take your candle experience to the next level with indigenous candles? Made from all-natural, eco-friendly ingredients by top Canadian candle companies or artisans dedicated to preserving cultural traditions, indigenous candles are special in more ways than one.
It brings the natural scents and symbols of native cultures into your home. Light one up for a …
Smoking traditional tobacco is part of the Indian and Alaskan culture and is socially acceptable within the community. While the tribal efforts for smoking cessation have greatly reduced smoking, it has been replaced with a new threat. E-cigarette vaping or Vape equipmentis growing exponentially in the country especially among teenagers as well as young adults. The data from the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) 2019 National Youth Tobacco survey nationwide revealed the following findings:
The number of middle school and high school students using e-cigarette …
If you are looking forward to a colorful event that comes with customary meals and traditional dance, then choose the Manawan Pow Wow as your next destination. It’s a calm gathering which comes with exceptional integration of traditional dances, songs, meals, and crafts.
These unique integrations make the entire festival unique and colorful which isn’t found somewhere in Quebec. Here, the guests are welcomed in a friendly way which entices them to come back for future celebrations.
With the last gathering being held on 31st August 2020, Manawan Pow Wow still prides itself as the best ceremony….
With the 14th edition being held in July 2020, the First Nations Gatherings is a unique festival in Mashteuiatsh. There are plenty of benefits that come with the celebrations apart from expressing the cultural heritage across nations. The festival unites dance which follows the ancestral rhythms and beats similar to teuehikan.
The drumming groups have their origin in the ancestors, which have been transferred from generation to generation. The festival brings a compelling experience where the attendees can share in an open fireplace the delicious indigenous meals.
Get a chance to discover and explore other people…
Innu Nikamu is an exceptional and recognized event that offers significant indigenous music festivals and events across Quebec and globally. The music festivals have been of great help in integrating persons from all diversities to showcase their cultural heritage. Being a recognized continental festival, Innu Nikamu offers an exceptional setting for the people to meets the First Nations.
The 36th edition, which was held last year, brought people from across the continent to celebrate the achievement of the Quebec, United States, and Labrador Indigenous artists. The artists who specialize in cultural dances and …